
氣象學家杰夫·哈比(JEFF HABY) 暴風雨在 0.8 平方英里的區域內平均降雨量為 135 英寸
2024-01-17 13:30:46


Riddle: A storm rains an average of 0.8 inches over an area of 135 square miles. How much latent heat of condensation was produced by the storm in order to produce this mass of rainfall? Final answer will be in Joules. Water density = 1 g/cm^3.

Answer to Riddle: In order to know how much Energy is produced we need to determine the mass of the rain that fell. Density = mass / volume. We know the density of water and we can find the volume of the water. Once we find the volume of the water we can solve the density formula for mass.

Volume of rain will be the area the rain fell on times the depth of the rain. The depth of the rain is 0.8 inches. In order to get the final answer in Joules we need to convert to the metric system for the area the rain fell on. Square miles will need to be converted the square centimeters and the rain depth will need to be in centimeters.

The following conversion factors are need to convert square miles to square centimeters:

1 mile = 5,280 feet
12 inches = 1 foot
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

The conversion may end up the most challenging aspect of finding the answer. Units must be cancelled properly and if units are squared then the number must be squared also.

First convert 135 square miles to square feet

135 mi^2 * (5,280^2 ft^2 / 1 mi^2) = 3,763,584,000 ft^2

Next convert ft^2 to in^2

3,763,584,000 ft^2 * (12^2 in^2 / 1 ft^2) = 5.41956096 * 10^11 in^2

Now convert in^2 to cm^2 to get it into metric units

5.41956096 * 10^11 in^2 * (2.54^2 cm^2 / 1 in^2) = 3.496483949 * 10^12 cm^2

Since we have the area the rain fell over in square centimeters we can multiply by the rain depth to get the volume of rain in cm^3.

0.8 in (2.54 cm / 1 in) = 2.032 cm

Volume of rain = 3.496483949 * 10^12 cm^2 * 2.032 cm = 7.104855384 * 10^12 cm^3

The density formula can now be used to determine the mass of rain

Density = mass / volume

1 g/cm^3 = mass / 7.104855384 * 10^12 cm^3

mass = 7.104855384 * 10^12 cm^3 * 1 g/cm^3 = 7.104855384 * 10^12 grams

The latent heat of condensation has a known value of 2.5 * 10^6 Joules/kg

convert mass to kg since latent heat has kg in units

(7.104855384 * 10^12 grams) * (1 kg / 1,000 g) = 7.104855384 * 10^9 kg

Total energy is equal to mass of rain times the latent heat of condensation

2.5 * 10^6 Joules/kg * 7.104855384 * 10^9 kg = 1.776213846 * 10^16 Joules

written out and rounded this is 17,700,000,000,000,000 Joules

This is 17.7 quadrillion Joules which is an amazing amount of energy just from the condensation produced from a rain complex.

氣象學家杰夫·哈比(JEFF HABY)

謎語:暴風雨在 0.8 平方英里的區域內平均降雨量為 135 英寸。如何 風暴產生了大量的冷凝潛熱,以產生這種潛 降雨量?最終答案將以焦耳為單位。水密度 = 1 g/cm^3。

謎語的答案:為了知道產生了多少能量,我們需要確定 落下的雨水。密度=質量/體積。我們知道水的密度和 我們可以找到水的體積。一旦我們找到了水的體積,我們就可以解決 質量的密度公式。

降雨量將是降雨面積乘以降雨深度。深度 降雨量為 0.8 英寸。為了得到焦耳的最終答案,我們需要轉換為 降雨區域的公制。平方英里將需要轉換 平方厘米和雨深需要以厘米為單位。


1 英里 = 5,280 英尺 12 英寸 = 1 英尺

1 英寸 = 2.54 厘米

轉換可能最終成為尋找答案最具挑戰性的方面。單位必須 正確取消,如果單位是平方,則數字必須 平方也。

首先將 135 平方英里轉換為平方英尺

135 mi^2 * (5,280^2 ft^2 / 1 mi^2) = 3,763,584,000 ft^2
下一頁 將 ft^2 轉換為 in^2
3,763,584,000 ft^2 * (12^2 in^2 / 1 ft^2) = 5.41956096 * 10^11 in^2
現在將 in^2 轉換為 cm^2 以將其轉換為公制單位

5.41956096 * 10^11 in^2 * (2.54^2 cm^2 / 1 in^2) = 3.496483949 * 10^12 cm^2

由于我們有降雨量以平方厘米為單位的面積,我們可以乘以 通過降雨深度得到以 cm^3 為單位的雨量。

0.8 英寸(2.54 厘米/1 英寸)= 2.032 厘米

雨量 = 3.496483949 * 10^12 cm^2 * 2.032 cm = 7.104855384 * 10^12 cm^3 密度公式現在可用于確定雨

的質量 密度 = 質量 /
體積 1 g/cm^3 = 質量 / 7.104855384 * 10^12 cm^3
質量 = 7.104855384 * 10^12 cm^3 * 1 g/

= 7.104855384 * 10^12 克

冷凝潛熱的已知值為 2.5 * 10^6 焦耳/千克,將質量轉換為千克,因為潛熱的單位

為 kg (7.104855384 * 10^12 克) * (1 千克/1,000 克) = 7.104855384 * 10^9 千克 總能量等于雨的質量乘以冷凝
2.5 * 10^6 焦耳/千克 * 7.104855384 * 10^9 千克

= 1.776213846 * 10^16 焦耳

寫出來并四舍五入,這是 17,700,000,000,000,000 焦耳
這是 17.7 萬億焦耳
,這是一個驚人的能量量 由雨水復合物產生的冷凝水。

下一篇:氣象學家杰夫·哈比(JEFF HABY) 雷暴被定義為至少有一次閃電產生可聽見雷聲的對流。